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Home Events - Virginia Thanksgiving Festival at Berkeley Plantation   


Nov 05 2023


11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Virginia Thanksgiving Festival at Berkeley Plantation   

On the first Sunday in November step back in history as the Virginia Thanksgiving Festival commemorates America’s First
Thanksgiving with a historic celebration reminiscent of Colonial Virginia. This annual tradition dates back to December 4, 1619 when
Captain John Woodlief and his crew of thirty-five men landed on the shores of the James River at what was to become Berkeley
Plantation. Upon landing, in accordance with orders from London, the Englishmen proclaimed: “We ordain that the day of our ship’s
arrival, at the place assigned for plantation, in the land of Virginia shall be yearly and perpetually kept holy as a day of thanksgiving to
Almighty God.” Thus began the American tradition of Thanksgiving!

Festival activities for the entire family include colonial period re-enactors, encampment, parade, and musicians. Families participate
in games, dancing, and demonstrations, while vendors showcase handmade arts, crafts, jewelry, and concessions. Demonstrations,
vendors, and activities begin at 11:00 a.m., the re-enactment of the landing begins at 3:00 p.m.

Berkeley Plantation is located off Scenic Route 5 in Charles City, Virginia between Richmond and Williamsburg.