Home Events - GoWilliamsburg.com Citizens of Yorktown: Dr. Daniel Norton
Citizens of Yorktown: Dr. Daniel Norton

Citizens of Yorktown: Dr. Daniel Norton

Post Civil War Politician and Human Rights Advocate

Sunday, January 23rd, 2022
1:00pm -2:00pm
(Children under the age of 12 are free)

Dr. Daniel Norton was born into slavery in Williamsburg c. 1840s. He escaped to New York in the 1850s and returned to Yorktown after the Civil War. During this tour and talk we will discuss Dr. Norton’s prosperous life in Yorktown and the impact he left in Virginia as a state senator and Civil Rights activists.

* Dress for the chilly Winter weather and wear comfortable shoes
* Must be able to walk at a leisurely pace for an hour with stops along the way
* Tour Begins and ends at Mobjack Bay Coffee Roasters and Petite Café
* Children 12 and under FREE, must be accompanied by parent, please add # of children attending in notes section during purchase


Jan 23 2022


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

More Info



Mobjack Bay Coffee Roasters
411 Main Street, Yorktown, VA 23609